Home AFV 1/72 German Medium Tank Pz.IV Ausf.L, 9./B.W. development (V72092)

1/72 German Medium Tank Pz.IV Ausf.L, 9./B.W. development (V72092)

Price: €50.40
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This is a model of a "what if tank". It is our development of the "Pz.IV Ausf.H, original 9./B.W. configuration". It follow our "what if" Ausf.K, the differences between Ausf.K and Ausf. L are as follow: - new turret - turret from Pz.V Panther Ausf. F with its 75/70mm gun - new tracks - the wider Ostketten to deal with the extra weight. - new wider fenders to cover the track.
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